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Youth Impact Story – Daisy

Daisy, a 17-year-old girl with a vibrant spirit, a curious mind, and a deep sense of empathy, often put the needs of others before her own. Daisy’s needs, however, became lost, at a time in her life where there are more questions than answers. Early in her adolescence, she began to struggle, as she started to feel the absence of her parents more intensely. Their demanding jobs often kept them away from home for long hours, leaving Daisy to fend for herself emotionally and entertain herself. While they provided for her materially, Daisy craved the emotional support and guidance that parents can offer. The isolation Daisy felt, intensified as she witnessed her peers forming close-knit friendships and enjoying the company of adolescence. She longed to be a part of something bigger than herself, to feel connected and understood, but the walls of loneliness seemed impenetrable and with no one to confide in, Daisy’s anxiety festered, casting a shadow over her daily life.

Daisy’s teacher picked up on her unhappiness and talked to her about the programs and services that Capilano Community Services provides for youth in the community. A couple of days later, Daisy attended one of the youth programs her teacher suggested – and that is when she met Sydney, who would become Daisy’s Youth Outreach Worker.

Sydney entered Daisy’s life at a critical juncture, offering not only a listening ear but also a comforting presence that eased the burden of Daisy’s loneliness. With patience and empathy, Sydney helped Daisy confront her feelings of loneliness and anxiety, guiding her toward a path of healing and self-discovery. Through their sessions together, Daisy learned to confront her fears head-on, embracing vulnerability as a source of strength rather than weakness. With Sydney’s guidance, Daisy began to unravel the tangled threads of her emotions, finding solace in the knowledge that she was not alone in her struggles. Emboldened by her newfound support system, Daisy began to thrive and with each step forward – she grew stronger, more resilient, and more determined to live life on her own terms knowing the support of CCSS’ youth workers was always available to her.

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