everyone holding hands

Senior’s Impact Story – Mr. and Mrs. Rahimi

Mr. and Mrs. Rahimi came to Canada from Iran in 2022, to live with their daughter. Adjusting to their new life in an unfamiliar country was challenging. They missed the sounds of Tehran and longed for the friendships they left behind. An acquaintance, who himself remembered the feelings of being a newcomer, suggested they join the Parsian Coffee Group offered by Capilano Community Services.

From their very first visit, they found a warm camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. They were overcome by the kindness of staff and volunteers, who provided a welcoming environment. Mr. and Mrs. Rahimi met other new arrivals along with established immigrants and felt immediately relaxed in the familiar rhythms of their Iranian culture – enjoying, conversations, music, and familiar snacks. Speaking in Farsi, they felt able to fully express their thoughts and feelings through the rich nuances bound within one’s first language. Conversations in Farsi flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories that relating to settling in a new country.

Attending the coffee group became a highlight of their week, providing them with much-needed social connection with fellow Iranians. It wasn’t just about the coffee, pastries, and music; it was about finding companionship and a sense of belonging in their new Canadian home. And, in addition to the Coffee Group, Mr. and Mrs. Rahimi also discovered other social-recreational programs offered by Capilano Community Services, such as English language classes, cooking programs and games groups.

As time passed, their circle of friends grew, offering support in tough times and celebrating the happy times together. The members of the Parsian Coffee Group became like a second family to them, providing a bridge between their memories of Iran and their new life in Canada.

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